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The Power of Candor

How to Guarantee Your Leadership Programs Make a Difference

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I had a client in the UK, a former client, and a friend in the UK three years ago, she called me said, we’re about to roll out a 2 million pound program. And to be honest with you, I don’t think it’s going to change anything. And it didn’t. And her job doesn’t exist anymore. So we better pay attention to the impact on the business, I think I don’t think we could afford not to, you’ll have your day in the sun. And then one or two years later, it’s gone.

Unless we can demonstrate impact. But what the beginning part of your question, Dima, is how do we get leaders interested in developing themselves, because they often don’t see the value in it. They’re incredibly time strapped. And in their minds, often, it’s a nice to do not a vital thing. That’s where I think point one comes into mind. If we are not hoping they’re going to use what they’ve learned from the platform to solve their real world problems. But we’re asking them to bring their real world problems to the platform.

We’ve, that’s the hook. Because nothing motivates a leader to learn grow and change, like a problem that they care about, but that they can’t solve. So and so that’s the whole anchor of the development that we do when it’s kind of in person or virtual, but also what the AI entity will do. extraordinarily well. So that I think is the big part of the solve. And when leaders and this is why, in some ways, Dima, we’re Trojan horsing learning, I don’t care if they don’t want to learn quite frankly, what I care about is that they want to solve a problem.

And if I could show them that the way they’re leaning will prevent them from solving a problem that they care about, boom, we have interest in learning. We never presume self awareness. We never complain about a lack of it. Like so many people do. We feel it is our responsibility to create that self awareness during the trainings that we do and in the platform itself. And that first and foremost least in my in our way of thinking starts with trying to help them solve problems that they care about, but are just beyond the reach of their current leadership capabilities to solve

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